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Article: IVY Turns 6

IVY Turns 6

IVY Turns 6

When we started IVY six years ago, we never thought we would have grown so quickly! We want to thank all of our supporters! We have made so many memories and are very thankful to have worked with so many talented influencers, photographers, models, and industry professionals. Our success and growth is because of you! 

We are proud to be turning six this year and can’t thank you enough for the endless support!

We took a trip down memory lane to reflect on our old, new, and favorite memories!

We've taken part in so many fun are some of the most memorable. 

2017: Black Valentine Event - Toronto, Canada 

2018: Cabana Pool Bar Summer Fashion Show - Toronto, Canada 

2018: IVY Turns 3! - Los Angeles, California 

2019: Miami Swim Week - Miami, Florida

Over the years, IVY has worked with so many beautiful, professional, and talented models! 
Top left - @thelifeoflibs
Top right - @genelleseldon
Bottom left - @morg_avery
Bottom right - @natamals
Our network of influencers produce the most amazing content wearing our styles! 
Top left - @vickypalacio
Top right - @daisykeech
Bottom left - @mskristenscott
Bottom right - @alexacollins 
Top left - @kimkokonutt & @xmylenex
Top right - @nicolethorne
Bottom left - @pershiny
Bottom right - @haileygrice 
So many talented photographers! 
Top left - @justinmacala
Top right - @ryanbyryanchua
Bottom left - @rockybatchelor
Bottom right - @kvn.mrtn
Of course, our loyal glamorous customers! 
Top left - @pheebzsta_
Top right - @silabilgi
Bottom left - @maggieesin
Bottom right - @carolineros
Lastly, in 2020, we were so happy to announce the launch of our first couples matching sets! This is such an exciting project and we can not wait to see all of you wear matching sets with your babes! 
Top right - @eyerisii & @nathanleongnyc
Bottom left - @shelbybay & @easyb
Bottom right - @tori212green & @piccsix
We're giving away 6 $100 IVY gift cards in honor of our birthday! Enter on Instagram! Ends 5/10/21 

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