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Article: New York Trend NYC: The Ultimate Summer Beach Bag Essentials

New York Trend NYC: The Ultimate Summer Beach Bag Essentials

New York Trend NYC: The Ultimate Summer Beach Bag Essentials

New York Trend

IVY Swimwear featured in a May 2022 New York Trend NYC article about The ultimate summer beach bag essentials. 

“Ivy Swimwear Price: Varies Look and feel sexy as you lounge poolside in the stunning bikinis from Ivy Swimwear. Finding the right fitting bikini is difficult. The tops are too small or the bottoms don’t flatter your curves. Or the designs simply aren’t cute. Ivy Swimwear is here to end all your bikini woes with their fashionable options. Featured in the upcoming Miami Swim Week 2022, Ivy Swimwear’s unique designs have made them a hit with models and influencers across the nation. Each bikini gives you the perfect amount of delicate touches to create a fun and flirty look, with ultra modern prints to stand out at the pool and beaches.”

Check out the whole article here.

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New York Trend NYC: Father’s Day Gifts Under $150

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