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Climate Commitment

Take the carbon out of your shipment

When you select carbon-neutral shipping, you effectively eliminate the carbon emissions from your order's shipping.

Here's how it works. We partner with commerce platform Shopify to estimate our shipping emissions. The money we receive is used to pay for carbon removal credits from a network of vetted carbon removal partners.

In addition to ensuring carbon-neutral shipping on your order, your contribution helps scale vitally important technologies that pull carbon out of the atmosphere and lock it away.

Let's meet a few of the companies removing our shipping emissions.


Heirloom's direct air capture technology enhances the carbon mineralization process. Heirloom's technology speeds up the rate at which naturally occurring minerals capture CO₂ rather than using energy-intensive fans to draw air in.

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Remora captures CO₂ from semi-truck tailpipes as they drive, with the CO₂ destined for long-term storage.

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Charm captures CO₂ using plant waste, converts it into a stable, carbon-rich liquid, and safely stores it deep underground—out of reach of wildfires and soil erosion.

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Vlada is a California based fashion and lifestyle influencer She is known for her elegant style, captivating content, and a keen eye for trends. With a focus on fashion, beauty, and travel, she curates inspiring posts that resonate with her audience. Vlada’s aesthetic reflects a chic, modern vibe, often featuring luxury brands and picturesque destinations

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