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Become An Affiliate

Join Our #IVYBABE family!

We are so excited to open our Affiliate Program worldwide. If you are just as passionate about bikinis as we are, this program is for you!

We made it easy for you to sign up and start using your personal affiliate link today!


How do I become an affiliate?

Fill out the form Apply Now to get started!

Your site will be reviewed for approval to join ShareASale and the IVY Swimwear Affiliate program

Once approved, you’ll have access to all the links, logos, and banners for IVY Swimwear

How do I promote my affiliate link?

There's many ways to get started! Share the link on your social media, with your friends and followers on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, SMS...etc Feel free  to get creative, we've seen people use their stories or live features to get more engagement! If you have a blog or website you can add the link to your blog and add our creatives.

How do I get paid?

As soon as someone purchased from your referral link, you'll automatically receive a commission from ShareASale which will be paid out via the portal.

Do I receive free bikinis?

At this time we only offer cash commissions! You can use your earnings to buy as many bikinis as you like :)

Will I receive a discount?

On your ShareASale portal there will be discounts that you can use! There will be ongoing coupon codes as well as some promotions which run during specific periods.

For questions or inquiries email us at

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Subtotal $0.00

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